Our Products

Below are a list of the products we will be providing as soon as our goats are done weaning their kids. As soon as these items are available you will see prices and purchasing instructions. If you are interested in any of these products please email us and we can arrange a time to meet you at our farm to pick them up or we can ship any non perishable items to you.

farm fresh eggs

$4 per dozen

We have over 50 chickens of various breeds, including Salmon Favorelles, Welsummers, Cockoo Marans, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers, White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, etc. So we provide farm fresh eggs that look like a rainbow of chicken eggs when you open up the container as they come in shades of white, cream, light brown, dark brown, blue, and green. And since our chickens are free range the taste of their eggs is so rich and full of nutrients that you just can’t get from store bought eggs.

goat’s milk soap

$3-5 per bar depending on size/INGREDIENTS

Many people are still washing their skin with soap made with water. Switching to soap made with raw goat milk can truly benefit your skin’s health. Goat milk soap is wonderful for people with dry or sensitive skin, or conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It is also perfect for healthy skin that wants to stay that way. 

goat’s milk lotion

$1 per ounce

Along the same line as goat milk soap, you can also make creamy lotion out of your goat’s milk as well. I don’t know about you, but I love lotion. Cold weather is hard on your skin, but my skin dries out when I work outside during the summer as well.

This homemade recipe is perfect for all of your dry skin needs and it includes homegrown products for exactly what you want. Your skin will most likely thank you for it.

goat’s milk lip balm

If you haven’t noticed I’m on a hygiene trend here. So far we’ve worked on body soap, lotion, and now we are on to your lips. Our lips can become so dry from exposure to the sun and wind during colder months.

But we don’t have to stand by and let the elements leave us dry. And we don’t have to depend on store bought products either. Instead, you can pull out your trusty goat’s milk lip balm.

Goat’s milk cheese

If you are like me, you love cheese. All kinds of cheese. Well, then you are in luck because goat’s milk makes some really delicious goat’s milk cheese.

So as if you needed better news, but it can actually be transformed into 10 different kinds of cheeses. This goat’s milk cheese can be used in most any recipe that calls for cheese.

goat’s milk fudge

So if you are a fan of fudge then you’ll love goat milk fudge. As is fudge could get any sweeter. But goat milk fudge can be turned into a variety of flavors ranging from chocolate to peanut butter.

Charm Farm

Jonathan and Alicia Koscinski

Norman, ok 73072

(405) 227-6676 (Call or text)
